Unless you've been camping on Mars, or have had your head firmly tucked in the sand (as I have), you'll know all about the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

I won't bore you with the details of how and why this has come about because even if you have been camping on Mars, no doubt you will know all about it.

Whilst doing my research, I read every article I could find in Sky News' archives.

I wish I could say I looked elsewhere for a more balanced opinion but when time is of the essence, such commodities become impossible.

The more I read, the more I felt like no-one really cared. Even when journalists appeared to be sympathising with the Lebanese for their current torture, there was almost a sense of "but you deserve it" emanating from their pieces. Or is that just my Muslim paranoia taking hold?

I was watching Newsnight the other night on which Jeremy Paxman invited a few fellow Jews for their opinions on whether or not they believed the Israeli offensive could be justified. I'm not usually one to be touched or even offended by political propaganda such as this but for some reason, the more I watched, the angrier I became.

One lady (I wish I knew her name so I could name and shame) said her first thought when she saw images of Sunday's bombings, was "I can only see women and children. Where are your men? They must obviously be Hizbollah fighters." Hizbollah fighters or not, as a human, shouldn't her first thought/response have been complete sympathy? Sadness? Regret even?

Why does the world find Muslim deaths so easy to justify? Isn't there an extremist branch amongst every religion?

When was the last time followers of whatever religion the cult belongs to (unless that religion is Islam), were held responsible for the actions of those few deranged individuals that just happen to practise the same religion as them?

Why just Muslims? What is it about us that irritates the occupants of planet Earth?

The death toll in Lebanon is spine-chillingly overwhelming. In no way am I trying to down play Israeli deaths.

All human casualties in this conflict are hard to justify, but the Lebanese seem to have suffered the brunt of one of the most powerful armies in the world today.

Yet for some reason, Israel is still being protected by the Bush administration and his side-kick Blair.

Last week, Bush blocked any moves by the UN to demand an immediate ceasefire stating that Israel's campaign is one of self-defence.

Earlier this week, the UN indefinitely delayed a meeting to discuss the current conflict.

Blair had refused use of the term immediate ceasefire' whilst meeting with EU officials.

Instead the official stance was to be an immediate cessation of the current hostilies leading to sustainable ceasfire' whatever difference that makes. Apparently, no ceasefire will be demanded unless a UN peacekeeping force is in place in Lebanon, except such a force already exists.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) (how ironic) was given the task of over-seeing the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from southern Lebanon, keeping the peace and helping the Lebanese government get back to its feet back in 1978.

By any stretch of the imagination, UNIFIL for all their non-efforts have been unsuccessful in doing any of the above. So what would a new UN force do that is any different from the existing one?

Are Tony Blair and George Bush just trying to pull the wool over our eyes? Or are they stalling? Which begs the question, what for?

Maybe it's just me that's failing to detect any urgency in the actions of these people. Maybe it's just me that's sitting here thinking they couldn't care less because at the end of the day, it is the Muslims, not the Israeli's that are dying (Muslim paranoia taking hold again). I can't for one second sit here and believe that had the Israeli death toll been even half that of the Lebanese, western officials would still be as negligent as they are now.

Because the current conflict, like every other conflict in the world today is being blamed on terrorists, terrorism itself has a lot to answer for. But since when did the annihilation of a fistful of individuals go hand in hand with the destruction of whole countries?

Time and again we are told, as if for justification, that this is a fight against terrorism for our safety.

The public whole-heartedly buys into this, and why wouldn't they - who doesn't want to be safe? But what about safety of those thousands of innocents both, young and old, whose mass murder is justified by someone else's political agenda.

I urge you to look in the mirror Mr. Bush because staring back at you will be the biggest terrorist of them all.