It seems it is the time of year when anyone and everyone is trying to get themselves noticed for whatever reason.

And one bloke who got himself more publicity than was warranted was the Christian extremist who wanted to burn a copy of the Koran last weekend.

Eventually having become the most talked about person on the planet, he rightly decided he wouldn’t go ahead with it.

But not before garnering headlines all over the world and causing unrest and, in some instances, bloodshed in many countries.

As we all know this would have been quite a stupid thing to do, but wasn’t it peculiar how this man was quickly described as an ‘outcast with 50 or so followers’ and ‘not someone who represented the wider Christian community’?

If this common sense approach was applied to every Muslim nutter who reared his head we wouldn’t be living as if there is a menace on every street corner.

The whole week got quite ridiculous at one stage with the fellow then linking his action with the plans to build an Islamic Cultural Learning Centre in New York.

Talk about dubious links if there ever was one.

Moreover, I was surprised by the actions of some people who have learnt very little from similar episodes.

Yes, it is correct to show your disgust at such actions, but then to target religious places of worship in your own country goes against the very principles you are attempting to uphold.

What is the point of going out and attacking someone who has absolutely nothing to do with the original act?

Having been to some Muslim countries, you can’t hide from the fact that some minorities endure some pretty serious situations.

The problem is when you say that, you sometimes get accused of pandering to one thing or the other.

I heard quite a few comments from some people who may disagree.

However, the very same folk can’t wait to get back on to the British mainland when all hell breaks loose elsewhere!

In the grand scheme of things it makes very little sense of picking and choosing on what issue is of importance and what isn’t.

How about we forget about the whole episode and learn to learn about forgiveness.

Isn’t that, after all, the defining quality we all could all do with a little bit more of to make the world a better place?